Saturday, August 25, 2007

It's the weekend!

The builder sends us periodic update emails whenever major steps in the building process are done. The one I got yesterday had this chart in it:

(Date of Most Recent Milestone Completion: 8/23/2007)

Milestone Completed
1. Start construction (site and foundation preparation)
2. Foundation complete
3. Frame started
4. Frame complete (frame, windows, and roof)
5. Plumbing pipes, heating/air conditioning ducts, and electrical wiring complete
6. Drywall complete
7. Cabinets and interior woodwork installed
8. Plumbing fixtures, heating/air conditioning equipment, and electrical fixtures installed
9. Flooring installed
10. Ready for buyer orientation

Pretty cool huh? Our house is basically 1/5th of the way done! :) Here are some pictures of what our house looked like yesterday. They took off the framing for the foundation and started the framing on the houses behind ours. These pictures are taken from the street in front of our house. There are two houses directly behind ours. The house on the left will be the last house on that side of the street. Next to it will be a greenbelt and a little park.

This is the house behind ours to the left.
This is the one behind ours to the right.
Do you see the man standing on the top of the framing? There is no way I could do that job! Scary!

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