Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Turkey Day! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays! I love getting to eat all of the amazing food, but I also love the purpose of the holiday! We have been blessed so abundantly by God! It's great to have day specifically designed as time to say thanks to the Lord for his provisions.

Christmas is coming soon! I started putting up Christmas decorations this week... below is a picture of the wreath that I put on our front door.
I'm so excited for this weekend because we are going to put up our Christmas tree in the family room! Matt and I always get a real tree the Saturday after thanksgiving. We're also going to put up lights on the house this weekend! I love the holidays! :)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

We are all moved in!

On Saturday, November 10th, we moved into our new home! We started at 8am and everything was all moved in by 11! We had lots of wonderful helpers!

A big big thanks to all of our family and friends that helped us move! We are so thankful for all of you!

We were so busy and I forgot to take lots of pictures, but here is one of Neil at one of our storage units.
We got new bedroom furniture at the store called "The Dump." We also got a new king size mattress. It is sooo comfortable! We have been sleeping so well at our new home.
Here is the dresser and mirror... the chest is on the other wall. Baby loves to lay on the bed with us. He has been sleeping with us every night!
Here is the kitchen! We use it everyday! We have only gone out to eat once since we've moved in!
The cats love to run up and down the stairs! Here is baby hamming it up for the camera!
Sorry I didn't post for a while... we just got the Internet, cable and phone installed at our house yesterday. Now that the house is built I am going to continue to post about what's going on at the Wear House! :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

It's almost done!

2 More Days!!! I can't believe we are so close to closing on the house. We are moving in on Saturday morning, so anyone who wants to help... let me know! We have a couple guys who have volunteered already.

Here is the front of our house with all of the landscaping! I'm going to move the juniper that is in front of the house number to the other side of the garage because I'm worried about it growing bigger and covering the house number. It will look more symmetric there too. :)
Here are two pictures of the back yard. The put one tree in the front yard and one in the back! We were really excited about that because we thought that they were going to put both trees in the front yard. They are live oak trees which is great because they stay green all year long and don't loose their leaves so we don't have to rake them!
The appliances are in! They take off the oven door so that no one will steal them... smart huh?

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Happy halloween! Here is little Luke, the pea in the pod! He's 1.5 weeks old here...

Here's our house with grass! There are bushes and trees now too. I will take a picture tomorrow and post it. We are doing our 1st walk through with the builder tomorrow at 2:00. we will just point out the little things that need to be touched up. Then we will be all ready to sign the papers on Friday and move in this weekend! :)

The fireplace is all done now too. They painted the mantel and the inside and put the glass doors on it to keep the kitties out!