Thursday, September 13, 2007

The bricks are here!

They delivered the bricks today! You can see them sitting in front of the house! Yea! I can't wait for them to start putting them on! I just love the color... it is going to look so good with the white stone!
Doesn't it look like a lot of bricks? I wonder if they are going to need that many...
Look at the two men up on the roof working on the chimney! That is one scary job! Wasn't the sky pretty today? I love that color blue!
Remember our soon to be neighbors Brad and Jen from an earlier blog post? Well, their house is just about done! The builders did the landscaping today on their house... and Brad and Jen are moving in on Sept 22nd! That's so exciting! :) Congrats y'all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fun adventure you two are on. We just love the pictures of how they build a house. Sticks, stones, brick, wire, pipes, etc. it is like a puzzle that they are putting together for you to make a happy home. Love & Hugs Grandma & Grandpa XOXOXOXO