Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Busy Month

We have been doing lots of playing at home, but it has been a busy month. Here are a few pictures of JackJack playing at home. He loves putting those rings in his mouth!
"I get to drive now Mom!" No, my bed is NOT made in the background... it just wasn't a priority that day. :)
On July 16th, Matt and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary. We spent the afternoon at the Gaylord Hotel showing Jackson around. This is where we stayed the first night of our honeymoon. He loved looking around in there, especially all of the water features. This was his favorite spot. It was a water fall and a pond with big gold fish inside.
It's just as good as the aquarium, but free!
Here he is with Daddy. He just loved the fountain too!
My mom watched him that evening so that we could go out to dinner at Bruno's, where we had our rehearsal dinner. It was very romantic! Jackson loves being at my mom's house... look how happy he was in her pack n play! I don't think he missed us very much.
The next morning we took a little road trip to Houston for Matt's cousin's wedding. It was a short but fun trip. It was really good to see all of the family members. Jackson did great in the car for the most part. He loves this taggie blanket that a friend made....those ribbons are so fun to suck on.
On Monday last week, we celebrated my mom's birthday. Here is Jackson helping her blow out her candle.
It has been great having Aunt Janie in town for the summer! We have really enjoyed getting to spend more time with her.
This last weekend we went to Annabelle's 1st birthday party and Bridget's wedding. That was Jackson's 6th birthday party and 3rd wedding to got to! He is quite the party animal! I leave you with this video of him doing all of his favorite things...talking, laughing, blowing bubbles, and sucking on his toes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy late anniversary:)

The video is so cute, he is getting to be a big boy.