Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Legg-Wear Wedding

Jeremy and Melissa are now officially Mr. and Mrs. Wear. Congrats guys! This is Jackson after the rehearsal at TWU outside the Chapel in the Woods. He looks like such a big boy sitting up in his polo! He was such a good boy and slept in the Baby Bjorn the whole rehearsal!
Some of the Wear men at the rehearsal dinner at Miguelitos Mexican restaurant... Great Grandpa Wear, Uncle Jeremy, and Jackson.Auntie Missy showing off Jackson who is wearing a onesie that says, "My AUNTIE is the best!" He is so excited to have a new Aunt Missy!

Jackson did so good at the wedding! He fell asleep 2 hours before the wedding and slept through putting his tux on, getting in the car seat, driving to the wedding, and through the whole wedding, until we woke him up for the family pictures. He was well rested for the reception... here he is at the begining getting his diaper changed. I just love that smile!!! :)
The Wear family all dressed up!!!!
Matt giving his best man toast. Doesn't Melissa look great! She was a beautiful bride!
Four generations of Wear men... We had such a great time visiting with all of the family members that were in from out of town!

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