Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Graduation at TWU

It finally feels official now. I have a Master's of Science in Mathematics with an emphasis in Teaching. I'm all done with classes and my paper!!! Yay!!! The graduation ceremony at TWU was on Friday at 10am. Here are some action shots taken by one of my professors in the front row:

Matt, Jackson, and Mom came to watch we walk across the stage. That night Matt threw an awesome party at our house for me to celebrate. It was so much fun!!! Thank you so much to my amazing husband who has been so supportive of me through the whole process of getting my degree! I love you so much honey! Here are some pictures from the party:

All of the new mommies and Jackson's friends that were at the party:My mom got the cake from the Society Bakery. It was so yummy and beautiful! If you have an event coming up, you should try them out!The cats are still available if you would like to give them a good home... look how sweet they are cuddling in Cauchy's bed! :)


Kalliemack said...

that cake was good!

Anonymous said...

We are so proud of and the wonderful family you have created in Denton, TX. The future is so bright for you, Matt and Jackson. Love, Grandma & Grandpa XOXO