Friday, July 11, 2008

Steering Students toward Mathematics Excellence!

So I have been at a math conference the last three days in downtown Dallas . It has been so much fun and I have learned so many cool new thing that I can do with my students this next year. If you are a math teacher K-College... I definitely recommend that you go next year! Here is the website for more info:

So the theme this year is "Steering Students toward Mathematics Excellence!" and here is the mascot:And they did a raffle to see who would get to take him to their campus and keep him! And guess what out of the 6,000 people there... I WON!!! haha... just kidding... Even though he was pink... I didn't want him, so I didn't enter the raffle and therefore guaranteeing that I didn't win him!

I did buy an amazing book though... It is full of fun of math songs. If you want to order one for your classroom, go to

That's the couple that wrote all of the songs... they are so entertaining! I had her autograph my book. Here is an example of one of their songs:
Tune: "The Yellow Rose of Texas")
Copyright 2002, Kay A. Smitherman.

There are songs about division,
Perimeter, percent,
Geometry, equations,
Place value, exponents.
So from elementary to alge-
Bra just sing along.
The lyrics are math lessons
And the tunes familiar songs

Yes, I realize that I'm a math nerd and I'm ok with that. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey you math nerd....... I wanted that cow! It would have gone so good with all my roosters and it could eat the grass and give grandpa some rest! Love & Hugs

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