Monday, January 2, 2012

Marybeth's Nursery is Ready!

Matt and I spend most of the weekend working on getting the nursery ready for Marybeth. It turned out really cute and really pink. I'm so excited about it! Here are a few pictures so you and see it.
We moved most of the furniture, except the twin bed, out of Jackson's room and into the nursery.Another big thank you to Jen Windle, who painted the brown ribbon around the room. You did such a beautiful job. I love it!

Matt got me the picture above the glider for Christmas. He was so thoughtful. He went on my pinterest account and ordered one of the things I had pinned for the baby's room.

Only 3 1/2 more weeks until my due date. I'm so excited to meet sweet little
Marybeth Michelle Wear!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A wonderful room for a wonderful baby! lol