Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

We had a great night on Jackson's 1st Halloween!
My "Jack"-o-lantern... the pumpkin has four teeth just like Jackson.
Ninja Zephan let Jackson ride in his wagon with him to go trick or treating.
He loves playing with the plastic pumpkins.
He does NOT love sitting in the grass... I'm just not so sure why the grass is so scary.
Got tired of riding in the wagon even though we only went to a few houses. It's fun to ride on daddy though!
Trick or Treat!
Some action shots of Jack crawling....
I love that smile!
We looked away for 2 seconds and he found some cheerios and spilled them all over! These are a much better snack than the candy he got trick or treating.
We stopped by the Ritter's house after trick or treating. Annabelle, Jackson, and Copeland had fun playing a little bit.


Anonymous said...

Cutest Jack O'Lantern I ever saw. Looks like you had a great night. Thanks for the pictures. Love, G&G

Anonymous said...

I love my little baby. He is so funny.

Kalliemack said...

hey enjoy him liking cheerio's more then candy for as long as you can.